Tel Aviv Hotels Special Offers and City Break Deals

Enjoy Special Offers and City Break Deals in Tel Aviv Hotels.
Free Meals, Free Walking Tours & Tel Aviv City Break Booklet!

Tel Aviv City Break Deals
Tel Aviv City Break Deals
Free Dinner for two at the participating Hotels or
Free Massage for two at the Brown TLV Brown Beach House ,Light House, Poli House

The benefit is only for International Guests who Check in on Thursday or Friday and stay for 3 nights Or Check in on Wednesday and stay for 4 nights

The City Break Program is Valid Till 31/3/20 Excluding 10-28/4/19 and the Month of August 2019

Based on Double Occupancy

Free Dinner for Two at the Hotels that are part of the Tel Aviv City Braek program and that are written in the list.
Free Massage (50 minutes ) for two only at the Following Hotels : Brown TLV ,Brown Beach House ,Lighthouse & Poli House.

Terms & Conditions City Break program :

The benefit is only for International Guests who Check in on Thursday or Friday and stay for 3 nights Or Check in on Wednesday and stay for 4 nights

The City Break Program is Valid Till 31/3/20 Excluding 10-28/4/19 and the Month of August 2019

Based on Double Occupancy

Free Dinner for Two at the Hotels that are part of the Tel Aviv City Braek program and that are written in the list.
Free Massage (50 minutes ) for two only at the Following Hotels : Brown TLV ,Brown Beach House ,Lighthouse & Poli House.

Please advise the Hotel during Check -In